Original Research Article Analytical chemistry
Isolation and characterization of curcumin from powdered rhizomes of turmeric plant marketed in Maragheh city of Iran with soxhlet technique

Mehdi Nabati; Mehrdad Mahkam; Hassan Heidari

Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 236-325, Serial No. 5 , October 2014, Pages 236-243

  Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is extensively used as a spice, food preservative and colouring material. It has been used in traditional medicine for various diseases. Curcumin, the main yellow bioactive component of turmeric has been shown to have a wide spectrum of biological actions. Heretofore, it has ...  Read More

Isolation and characterization of curcumin from powdered rhizomes of turmeric plant marketed in Maragheh city of Iran with soxhlet technique

Original Research Article Physical chemistry
DFT study of dimers of dimethyl sulfoxide in gas phase

Reza Fazaeli; Mohammad Solimannejad

Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 236-325, Serial No. 5 , October 2014, Pages 244-254

  Density functional (DFT) calculations at M05-2x/aug-cc-pVDZ level were used to analyze the interactions between dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) dimers. The structures obtained have been analyzed with the Atoms in Molecules (AIMs) and Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) methodologies. Four minima were located on the ...  Read More

DFT study of dimers of dimethyl sulfoxide in gas phase

Original Research Article Analytical chemistry
Simple spectrophotometric methods for quantification of modafinil using 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate and 2,4-dinitrophenol as analytical reagents

Burla Sunitha Seshamamba; Peruri Veera Satyanarayana; Chandra Sekharan

Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 236-325, Serial No. 5 , October 2014, Pages 255-268

  Two simple visible spectrophotometric methods are developed and validated for the quantification of modafinil using 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonic acid (NQS method) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP method) as analytical reagents. The NQS method involves the reaction of modafinil with 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate ...  Read More

Simple spectrophotometric methods for quantification of modafinil using 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate and 2,4-dinitrophenol as analytical reagents

Original Research Article Applied Chemistry
Synthesis and characterization of supramolecule self-assembly polyamidoamine (PAMAM) G1-G1 NH2, CO2H end group Megamer

Omid Louie; Abdoulhossien Massoudi; Samaneh Maghsoodi

Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 236-325, Serial No. 5 , October 2014, Pages 269-276

  Supramolecule self assembly polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer refers to the chemical systems made up of a discrete number of assembled molecular subunits or components. These strategies involve the covalent assembly of hierarchical components reactive monomers, branch cells or dendrons around atomic or ...  Read More

Synthesis and characterization of supramolecule self-assembly polyamidoamine (PAMAM) G1-G1 NH2, CO2H end group Megamer

Original Research Article Biochemistry
Isolation and structure elucidation of coumarin and cinamate derivatives from Lycium ruthenicum

Hassan Valizadeh; Fatemeh Mahmoodi Kordi; Reza Koohkan; Mir Babak Bahadori; Mehdi Moridi Farimani

Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 236-325, Serial No. 5 , October 2014, Pages 277-282

  Lycium species is a popular medicinal plant in the traditional Chinese medicine and Lycium ruthenicum is a native medicinal plant of Iran. Lycium genus has several biologically important properties too. Investigation of chemical composition of ethyl acetate extract of this plant is the goal of this study. ...  Read More

Isolation and structure elucidation of coumarin and cinamate derivatives from Lycium ruthenicum

Original Research Article Analytical chemistry
QSRR models of veterinary drugs in milk in ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to time of flight mass spectrometry

Hadi Noorizadeh; Sharmin Esmaeilpoor; Zohreh Moghadam; Shahnaz Nosratolahy

Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 236-325, Serial No. 5 , October 2014, Pages 283-299

  The veterinary drugs residues are also important pollutants found in milk, since veterinary drugs are commonly used in cattle management. Considering the role of milk in human nutrition and its wide consumption throughout the world, it is very important to ensure the milk quality. A quantitative structure–retention ...  Read More

QSRR models of veterinary drugs in milk in ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to time of flight mass spectrometry

Review Article Organic chemistry
Pharmacological properties of some 3-substituted indole derivatives, a concise overview

Kobra Nikoofar; Diba Kadivar; Samaneh Shirzadnia

Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 236-325, Serial No. 5 , October 2014, Pages 300-315

  Indole is a nitrogen-containing heterocycle. It is a very important motif in agriculture and pharmacy. Many compounds containing indole moiety has been isolated form nature. It is also an important part in natural alkaloids. Tryptophan is an amino acid which posses indole. 3-Sustituted indoles are the ...  Read More

Pharmacological properties of some 3-substituted indole derivatives, a concise overview

Original Research Article Physical chemistry
Characterization of intermolecular interaction between Cl2 and HX (X=F, Cl and Br): An ab initio, DFT, NBO and AIM study

Morteza Vatanparast; Nabi Javadi; Rasoul Pourtaghavi Talemi; Elahe Parvini

Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 236-325, Serial No. 5 , October 2014, Pages 316-325

  The character of the intermolecular interactions in Cl2-HX (X =F, Cl and Br) complexes has been investigated by means of the second-order Möller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) and the density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The results show that there are two types of lowest interaction ...  Read More

Characterization of intermolecular interaction between Cl2 and HX (X=F, Cl and Br): An ab initio, DFT, NBO and AIM study