Mohamad Mohsen Momeni; Mohadesah Hakimiyan; Ali Kazempoor; Mahboubeh Mirhosseini; Zohre Nazari; Seyed Mostafa Mirhoseini; Hadi Kargar
Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 1-71, Serial No.6 , January 2015, , Pages 41-47
Cupper Oxide structures with a variety of novel morphologies are synthesized using cupper foil as substrate via a solution route. The structure, morphology and phase of the as-synthesized nanostructures are analyzed by various techniques. SEM images show gradual development of hierarchical structures ...
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Cupper Oxide structures with a variety of novel morphologies are synthesized using cupper foil as substrate via a solution route. The structure, morphology and phase of the as-synthesized nanostructures are analyzed by various techniques. SEM images show gradual development of hierarchical structures of copper oxide with different morphology. In order to study the effect of reaction time and temperature on the morphology of the CuO samples, experiments carried out at temperatures 0 °C and 25 °C for 10 min up to 12h. Results showed that the prepared samples exhibited some novel morphology such as nanorods, nanosheets, microflowers, Cubic shaped structures and Tulip flower-shaped structures.