Isolation and structure elucidation of coumarin and cinamate derivatives from Lycium ruthenicum

Hassan Valizadeh; Fatemeh Mahmoodi Kordi; Reza Koohkan; Mir Babak Bahadori; Mehdi Moridi Farimani

Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 236-325, Serial No. 5 , October 2014, , Pages 277-282

  Lycium species is a popular medicinal plant in the traditional Chinese medicine and Lycium ruthenicum is a native medicinal plant of Iran. Lycium genus has several biologically important properties too. Investigation of chemical composition of ethyl acetate extract of this plant is the goal of this study. ...  Read More

Isolation and structure elucidation of coumarin and cinamate derivatives from Lycium ruthenicum