Analytical chemistry
Parveen Rajjak Shaikh; Isak Rajjak Shaikh; Arjun Bapurao Bhosle
Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 237-363, Serial No. 16 , July 2017, , Pages 315-337
The physico-chemical properties of water and sediments therein were analyzed for assessing the suitability of Siddheshwar dam (India) waters for irrigation purpose. The physical parameters include total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity. The chemical parameters studied include pH, free carbon ...
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The physico-chemical properties of water and sediments therein were analyzed for assessing the suitability of Siddheshwar dam (India) waters for irrigation purpose. The physical parameters include total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity. The chemical parameters studied include pH, free carbon dioxide, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, phenolphthalein alkalinity, total alkalinity, biochemical oxygen demand and salinity. The present research was undertaken to monitor the irrigational suitability of this water body over the period of June 2009 to May 2010 by Sodium Absorption Ration (SAR), Magnesium Ratio (MR), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP), Residual Sodium Bicarbonate (RSBC), Kelly’s Ratio (KR) and Permeability Index (PI) parameters. The UV-Spectrophotometer determined the concentrations of heavy metals such as iron, zinc, chromium and manganese. The sediments’ physico-chemical characteristics like temperature, conductivity, pH, % carbon, organic matter and phosphate have been detected by using standard methods. It is observed that the sediments are in a complex milieu with the overlying water in the aquatic ecosystem and they affect water chemistry and get affected by it. The water quality is found good and it is therefore safe for irrigation.