Physical chemistry
Vahid Moeini; Seyed Hojatollah Rahimi; Zohre Rakhsha
Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 1-132, Serial No. 10 , January 2016, , Pages 78-93
In this work, we report results of calculations based on the density functional theory of different species metal-ozone, containing mercury, silver and gold. The chosen species range from small molecules and large transition-metal containing ozone with mercury, silver and gold complexes. A comparative ...
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In this work, we report results of calculations based on the density functional theory of different species metal-ozone, containing mercury, silver and gold. The chosen species range from small molecules and large transition-metal containing ozone with mercury, silver and gold complexes. A comparative analysis of the description of the metal-oxygen bond obtained by different methodologies is presented. The topology of the electronic density of the metal-ozone is studied, at DFT level, using the theory of atoms in molecules (AIM) developed by Bader. Thermodynamic variables of reactions have been calculated. The effect of temperature on thermodynamics quantities of the reaction has also been investigated. The LanL2MB basis set for mercury, silver and gold with ozone are used at the B3LYP method. The energy levels of the HOMO and LUMO orbitals compute at the B3LYP/LanL2MB level.